Đặt câu với từ "in strident tones|in strident tone"

1. Canadian diplomats hope that the Biden administration’s less strident tone might yield better results

2. He was strident and dogmatic in giving his opinions.

3. The strident ringing of the telephone broke in on them.

4. 7 Strident,(www.Sentencedict.com) overbearing leadership is inadvisable in this political culture.

5. Her own children were much more strident.

6. Blare definition is - to sound loud and strident

7. They are becoming increasingly strident in their criticism of government economic policy.

8. The process of Assibilation will be argued to involve the change from [-strident] /t/ to [+strident] [ts]; hence, the German data support the claim in the literature on other languages that affricates are strident stops which have no [+continuant] component

9. People are put off by his strident voice.

10. The bickering grew more strident during the visit.

11. People are put off by her strident voice.

12. She was beginning to hear that strident, angry voice in her sleep.

13. The Brotherhood provided the moral climate in which more strident cultures could flourish.

14. He is a strident advocate of nuclear power.

15. There was much humour, of a strident, bitter sort.

16. The plan has provided strident criticism from local residents.

17. The most vocal and strident was Pope Gregory VII.

18. 11 He is a strident advocate of nuclear power.

19. 5 synonyms for Continuant: Continuant consonant, fricative, sibilant, spirant, strident

20. The argument raged on and their voices grew more strident.

21. She tried to laugh, and the sound was harsh and strident.

22. 17 synonyms for Cacophonous: discordant, harsh, jarring, grating, raucous, strident, dissonant

23. 8 synonyms for Clamant: clamorous, strident, vociferous, blatant, crying, exigent, insistent

24. Strident editorials in the official press condemned foreign interference and predicted the worldwide triumph of socialism.

25. 8 synonyms for Clamant: clamorous, strident, vociferous, blatant, crying, exigent, insistent, instant

26. Some common synonyms of Blatant are boisterous, clamorous, obstreperous, strident, and vociferous

27. One may hope that this forceful advocacy can remain in most instances persuasive and considered rather than strident.

28. Synonyms: vociferous, blatant, boisterous, strident, Clamorous These adjectives mean conspicuously and usually offensively loud

29. 93 synonyms for Brassy: strident, loud, harsh, piercing, jarring, noisy, grating, raucous, blaring, shrill

30. Synonyms for Braying include grating, harsh, jarring, strident, loud, raucous, discordant, rasping, rough and hoarse

31. Synonyms for Absonant include raucous, grating, harsh, discordant, rasping, jarring, strident, rough, hoarse and dissonant

32. To make matters worse, the government was faced by increasingly strident opposition from the Bolsheviks.

33. Synonyms for Cacophonous include discordant, dissonant, inharmonious, grating, harsh, jarring, raucous, strident, unmelodious and unmusical

34. But the older Matthew Arnold has little with which to correct the strident exaggeration of youth.

35. And this, again -- this universal outreach -- is getting subdued in the strident use of religion -- abuse of religion -- for nefarious gains.

36. Washington - which has traditionally been a strident critic of China 's human rights record - has toned down its rhetoric in recent years .

37. Instead, they will be replaced with a magazine with a less strident and more caring title-Dialog.

38. These gallants, with hair long and curled, and jerkins dripping pearls, proved to be raucous and strident.

39. The Road to Wigan Pier's wanton polemics against effete intellectuals and strident feminists are suffused by homophobia.

40. 27 The Road to Wigan Pier's wanton polemics against effete intellectuals and strident feminists are suffused by homophobia.

41. Rather than reducing problems, these strident warnings about food safety add to the burden of human suffering.

42. Loud, echoing, thundering, bellowing, resounding, deafening, strident, resonant, sonorous, stentorian The ginger man had a large Booming voice

43. Clamant definition: conspicuously and offensively loud; given to vehement outcry synonyms: strident, noisy, vociferous, blatant, clamorous antonyms: quiet

44. Without being strident, she is fully aware that she chose to have a child with a parenting man.

45. Bipartisanship Strident signals about implementing a campaign agenda or systematic displays of Bipartisanship alone could highlight questions of legitimacy

46. The pitch of politicians is more strident, the gauntlet is thrown down more quickly, the stakes get higher faster.

47. Pure tone Audiometry:definition • measuring relative hearing threshold using pure tones is called pure tone Audiometry

48. Blares definition: a loud harsh or strident noise synonyms: cacophony, noise, blaring, clamor, din antonyms: consonant, vowel, unsound, broken, unfit

49. Its strident headlines implied that the march of modern Jacobinism was about to be started by an obscure parliamentary report.

50. This perhaps explains the strident colors which characterize his paintings as certainly it suggests the source of their extreme verisimilitude.

51. Clamorous adjective noisy, loud, insistent, deafening, blaring, strident, tumultuous, vociferous, vehement, riotous, uproarious The Clamorous din of voices filled the air

52. Clamor definition: a loud harsh or strident noise synonyms: cacophony, noise, blare, blaring, din antonyms: contraindicate, shout, close up, specify, mitigated

53. 29 The touches or larger areas of primary colours that throw the figures into relief are now less strident, more resonant.

54. Certainly, the strident promoters of globalisation – politicians, big businessmen, and journalists – will have to work much harder now to bamboozle their audiences.

55. Their strident moralism jarred with both the measured middle-class radicalism of the repealers and the dominant patrician language of high politics.

56. The voices are filled with night—black hollow gloomy night or else they are as strident as the Caterwauling of a Tom Cat

57. Clamant - conspicuously and offensively loud; given to vehement outcry; "blatant radios"; "a clamorous uproar"; "strident demands"; "a vociferous mob" clamorous , strident , vociferous , blatant noisy - full of or characterized by loud and nonmusical sounds; "a noisy cafeteria"; "a small noisy dog"

58. PURE-TONE Audiometry The purpose of pure-tone Audiometry is to determine hearing threshold levels for pure tones

59. How is the word Boisterous different from other adjectives like it? Some common synonyms of Boisterous are blatant, clamorous, obstreperous, strident, and vociferous

60. Chinese has tone sandhis whereas English tones are not lexical but Attitudinal and modal

61. Whether it be on the national or international stage, in personal relations or in politics, at home or in the public forum, voices grow ever more strident, and giving and taking offense appear to be chosen rather than inadvertent.

62. Pure-tone threshold Audiometry is the measurement of an individual's hearing sensitivity for calibrated pure tones

63. Genius Belabored is the fascinating story of Ignaz Semmelweis, a nineteenth-century obstetrician ostracized for his strident advocacy of disinfection as a way to prevent childbed fever, a leading cause of mortality in new mothers

64. Past recordings have suffered from Awkwardnesses that range from the over-the-top mannerisms of stage actors playing to a present audience to the horrible, strident, flat tonalities that were epidemic in Broadway performances in the wake of the show Annie.

65. To fill the boredom and emptiness you have to revile and slander with even more stridency. Once those strident words leave your mouth your feeling of boredome and emptiness will increase.

66. He speaks in unctuous tones.

67. He spoke in stentorian tones.

68. They talked in hushed tones.

69. He spoke in reverential tones.

70. She spoke in nasal tones.

71. He spoke in sepulchral tones.

72. Business details, money, in hushed tones.

73. "He's gone," Rory whispered in sepulchral tones.

74. First tone in Mandarin first tone in Mandarin call metamorphosis disrespectful Miss.

75. Binaural beats are a form of auditory beat stimulation in which two tones, varying slightly in frequency, are played into each ear, producing an auditory illusion of a third tone

76. Whether recreating a specific tone or creating tones that set me apart from fellow Artists the Axe-Fx can do it

77. They spoke in tones of gentle reproof.

78. They spoke in hushed tones at the table.

79. 1 He addressed the group in funereal tones.

80. The men spoke in soft, measured tones.